DEER DETOUR is a wildlife defense and recovery system. DEER DETOUR is designed to provide the most critical nutrients that the plant needs to recover from the damage caused by deer and other wildlife, while also discouraging them from consuming the target foliage.
This product has been trialed all across the Midwest, and extensive trials have been conducted in Michigan. On average, we have deer-free crops for 10-14 days with over 1-inch rainfalls during that time. We had multiple applications of deer detour that lasted up to 21 days with no deer or wildlife entering the plot.
The goal is to keep out wildlife during the young stages of crops (especially soybeans and brassicas) to get them past the first few leaf stages.
The issue in the past has been changing the crops planted or putting up a fence. A fence is expensive, hard work, and time-consuming. While also being able to plant what we want and what the deer need without the money or hassle of dealing with a fence. Some electric fences are around 250$ per half acre of fence plus the work of putting it up and taking it down. Deer Detour is anywhere from 11$-30$ per Acre. A fraction of the cost and effort. Even cheaper when applying to trees/shrubs. Deer Detour is the best addition to the garden as well.
We can now add Deer Detour to our foliar fertilizer applications or spray it directly on the crop and/or surrounding areas.
When spraying an area use 16-32 oz per acre. (4-8 acres per gallon jug)
Spraying the perimeter use 32-48 oz per acre (approximately 3 acres per jug)
Using Deer Detour to apply to trees/shrubs-
5-6 oz in a 4-gallon backpack or the same amounts in a tank sprayer with a wand.
When applying to the garden use 4-5 oz in a 4-gal backpack/ or tank sprayer with 4 gallons of water
When adding deer detour into your sprayer, we need to think about dilution rates which are a little different than sprayer other products. We want a little more concentrated spray solution than when we apply liquid lime, liquid fertilizers or herbicides.
Using a total of 5-10 gallons per acre is the target solution when applying Deer Detour.
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For any questions on Deer Detour inquire below. To order Deer Detour check out our shop page or simply click the order button!