Full Spectrum Products

We are proud to announce our partnership with Full Spectrum Products and carry their amazing new line of products. We know from experience that these products are extremely effective. We’ve been having ongoing trials for a few years now with some of our partners and also in agriculture. These products are superior to what we’ve carried in the past and we’re excited for the public to get to experience better yards, gardens, food plots, or anything else they’re growing!

full spectrum products 3 cal liquid lime for food plots gardens lawns

3-Cal Liquid Lime

3-Cal is derived from Calcium Carbonate, which will raise ph. Compared to other products on the market that are derived from Calcium Chloride. The rise in pH will happen rapidly but is an annual application. The small particle size ensures a quick pH adjustment but is also the reason for its shorter-term results.

full spectrum products ap all purpose fertilizer for food plots gardening lawns

A.P. All Purpose Fertilizer

Finally, a fertilizer that checks all the boxes. A.P is carbon based and has N, P, K & micronutrients. Both efficient and easy to use. A.P All Purpose Fertilizer is exactly how it sounds. You can apply it to soil anytime (After planting is the most popular), or directly to the leaves as a foliar application. These nutrients are protected and will not lock-up in soils. Balanced nutrition with a boost of micronutrients, is everything plants need.

full spectrum products starter plus fertilizer and root dip for food plots gardening lawns

Starter +

Great for applying at planting to push root growth and get the plants off to a great start.

Starter + is a starter fertilizer to encourage root growth and give your plants a good "start". See what we did there.

It has all N, P, and K with it being high in Phosphorus. The nutrients are protected so there's no worry about lock-ups in the soil and is safe to use around waterways. This is carbon-based containing a lot of amino acids to improve root growth and soil health. With its micronutrients, Starter + is superior to its competition.

full spectrum products liquid calcium for food plots gardening lawns


Calcium is great for agriculture & ornamental crops, athletic fields, golf courses, residential or commercial lawns/gardens. High in available calcium to improve plant growth with balanced nutrition. Calcium prevents tie-ups in soil because these nutrients are protected. It works to improve soil structure and also prevents and treats soil conditions that are limited in water infiltration. Improves calcium uptake & reduces surface tension of water, allowing soils to drain.