A.P. All Purpose Fertilizer

A.P. is a one-of-a-kind product giving you N, P and K. It is overabundant in micronutrients to cover all the plants’ needs. It continually helps build the soil with Carbon, Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium, and micronutrients.  It can be difficult to add micronutrients to the soil and remain agronomically efficient. A.P. can accomplish this task by fertilizing the crop, building the soil, and changing the micronutrient levels in the soil all at the same time.

Adding Phosphorus at planting and as a foliar application, will continuously add small levels of micronutrients and carbon. This will continue building the soil slowly every time it is applied. This will help recycle nutrients as thatch decomposes and different crops cycles are done.

A.P All Purpose Fertilizer is exactly how it sounds. You can apply it to soil after planting, or directly to the leaves as a foliar application. These nutrients are protected and will not lock up in soil. Balanced nutrition with a boost of micronutrients is everything plants need.

Mixing Instructions

In a 5-gallon bucket, fill it about halfway with water.  Add in your rates of each product (1 product per bucket).  Mix well. A drill with a paddle/paint mixer bit works the best. Add mixture to sprayer and dilute even more (at least 10gal of water per one gallon of A.P.)

Application Instructions

A.P. should be mixed with at least 10 gallons of water. We do not recommend letting the A.P. solution sit for an extended amount of time.  Rinse out your sprayer with water when you are done spraying.  It is also recommended that you remove all filters from your sprayer. If applying with a backpack sprayer, use 2-8oz A.P. per gallon of water.

Generic Rates without recommendations or a soil sample:

1.25 gallons (5qts)-1.5 gallons per acre as a soil application at time of planting. 1-3qt per acre as a foliar application.

(we recommend getting your soil tested for more accurate rates)



Total Nitrogen……………………..1%

Phosphate (P2O5)………………..5%

Soluble Potash (K2O)………….10%

Less than 1% of:

Sulfur, Zinc, Manganese, Magnesium, Iron, Boron, Copper, Calcium.