We DO NOT ship ALL trees


Contact to determine shipping


We DO NOT ship ALL trees ~ Contact to determine shipping ~

Shipping is available with SELECT trees, on a case-by-case basis. Contact us via the form below with your order to find out if you qualify!

Proud Partners

With E&J Farms

Wildlife Nursery Plants

New tree planting-
Root dip with Full Spectrum Products Starter+
In a 5 gal bucket add 3 gal water and 9 oz Starter+ and mix
Dip in and out and then save the remaining solution
After planting (3-4 weeks later) use the rest of the solution to apply to trees
Then mid-end of summer/early fall-
1/2 oz per gallon Starter+
1/2 oz per gallon A.P.
1/2 oz per gallon Calcium

2nd year and on with trees-

Apply the same mix, with the same timing as stated above for the mid-end of summer/early fall.

We are proud to be able to offer a variety of plants and trees for wildlife, by partnering with local West Michigan nurseries! Not only are these plants and trees favorited by Michigan wildlife, they are among the best for wildlife and habitat.

miscanthus, screen grass


Miscanthus Giganteus Rhizomes and Potted Plants

Food Plot Apple Trees

Fruit & Nut Trees

Apples, Pears, Chestnuts, Hazelnuts, Walnuts and more.

Food Plot Oak Maple Poplar Willow Dogwood Deciduous Trees

Deciduous Trees

Oaks, Maples, Poplars, Willows, Red Osier Dogwoods and more.

Food Plot Cedar Spruce Pine Trees

Conifer Trees

Cedars, Spruce and Pines