We DO NOT ship ALL trees
Contact to determine shipping
We DO NOT ship ALL trees ~ Contact to determine shipping ~
Shipping is available with SELECT trees, on a case-by-case basis. Contact us via the form below with your order to find out if you qualify!
Proud Partners
With E&J Farms
Wildlife Nursery Plants
New tree planting-
Root dip with Full Spectrum Products Starter+
In a 5 gal bucket add 3 gal water and 9 oz Starter+ and mix
Dip in and out and then save the remaining solution
After planting (3-4 weeks later) use the rest of the solution to apply to trees
Then mid-end of summer/early fall-
1/2 oz per gallon Starter+
1/2 oz per gallon A.P.
1/2 oz per gallon Calcium
2nd year and on with trees-
Apply the same mix, with the same timing as stated above for the mid-end of summer/early fall.