Your one-stop destination for all of your growing needs, from start to finish. We proudly offer comprehensive soil sample kits, personalized tailored recommendations, high-quality seeds, and effective liquid fertilizers to ensure your growing success every step of the way!
An agriculture consulting service and food plot fertilizer/food plot nutrition dealer. We offer the best liquid products for your soil, food plot seed and food plot seed mixes on the market.
Harper Growing Solutions is an agriculture consulting service and food plot fertilizer/food-plot nutrition dealer. We offer the best food plot seed and food plot seed mixes on the market. We aim to help farmers and hunters grow higher-quality crops and food plots while improving yield, efficiency, and ease. We achieve this by leveraging our experience and education to best utilize high-quality food plot fertilizer and great food plot seed blends with no fillers or coatings. With years of farm and food plot experience, we’re here to help share our knowledge.
Our goal is to help farmers and hunters grow higher-quality crops and food plots while improving yield, efficiency, and ease. We achieve this by leveraging our experience and education to best utilize high-quality food plot fertilizer and great food plot seed blends with no fillers or coatings. With years of farm and food plot experience, we’re here to help share our knowledge.
Deer Detour- Wildlife defense/recovery system/deer repellant. Our very own deer deterrent. Deer Detour is a wildlife defense and recovery system we’ve designed. Deer Detour is a mix of garlic and pepper extracts with many surfactants for longevity. Deer Detour is much cheaper and easier than any fencing on the market.
We carry Northwoods Whitetails food plot seed. With this seed company, we can offer the best food plot mixes, brassica mixes, and clover mixes for deer and wildlife. With all of these different mixes, we can offer you diverse plantings or crops for different soil types. A lot of these mixes can provide great food plots for turkeys and other game birds.
We have partnered with a local nursery, E & J Farms, to provide wildlife habitat plants and grasses. These include spruce, pine, chestnuts, miscanthus giganteas grasses, and select fruit trees upon order. If you’re interested in placing an order or want to check availability, send us a message and we can get you on the books for this fall.
Harper Growing Solutions
Harper Growing Solutions
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